" /> PowerMarket featured in Metro New York

PowerMarket featured in Metro New York

Feature in Metro New York

For Earth Day, environmental activists are encouraging people to look into community solar projects, which gives the benefits of solar energy without solar panels on your own roof.

Community solar is a model that lets you get the benefits (both economic and environmental) of solar panels, without actually installing them on your roof. The whole concept, said Nick Baudouin, co-founder of community solar software company PowerMarket, is "solar for all."

"It's for everyone, not just everyone who can check off a lot of boxes," like previous requirements of home ownership, an in-the-thousands installation payment, a credit check and so on, he said. "I live in a city, in an apartment, and clearly I can’t put solar on my roof, but I can still be part of solar and be part of the sharing economy."

Read the full article here: https://www.metro.us/news/the-big-stories/community-solar-renewable-energy-to-everyone